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Guest post from Joy Wahl


Update from Joy

"This past month was full of exciting surprises along the way. We were able to meet up again with the girls from Mexico City. We went to a botanical garden here in Toluca, and then found a place to have some tacos. It was a fun trip of hanging out with college age girls, but I was praying for an opportunity to share the gospel with them.

On the way back home, one of the sisters asked me what I do throughout the week. I told her about the two churches and Bible studies we are involved in. She mentioned how she would like to participate in one of the Bible studies, but because she is in law school right now there isn't time. I suggested in the summer she was welcome to join a Bible study. She then began telling me how she had always been interested in having a relationship with the Lord, but never really knew how. You couldn't ask for a better opportunity than that! I then shared the gospel with her. She said, "It sounds so simple." I told her God never wanted it to be complicated. He wants to have a relationship with you. She did not accepted Christ, but her other two sisters were also listening when my roommate and I shared the gospel with her. Would you please pray for the salvation of Meli, Alessa, and Gigi?

The ladies discipleship in Ocoyoacac is going well. The mom and her daughter and the mom's sister-in-law have been faithful in coming every week. Right now we are working through the foundations lesson on the New Testament church. I love watching the Holy Spirit increase their understanding through studying the Bible each week.

Another surprise we had this month was a yearly pilgrimage to the Basilica in Mexico City. People from the surrounding towns usually spend the night in Ocoyoacac on their way.

My roommate and I were on our way to study with Karina. We had to walk through the town to meet her because there were so many roads closed. People had set up their tents or bedding in the streets for the night. Even walking through the streets was difficult! There was an estimated 50,000 extra people in this small mountain town! Each town carries a statue of some kind of Mary on their journey to say that Mary is going with them.

When we were walking down the main street there was a huge parade of all the statutes going to the Catholic church to set up for the night. People were sleeping all over the courtyard outside the church and around the city. Most people would get up at 2-3am to continue their walk to Mexico City. Normally, it takes about an hour and half to drive to the Basilica. There were people of all ages participating in the pilgrimage.

The reason for the pilgrimage is to show Mary how dedicated you are to her in hopes that she will bless you and answer your prayers. How convicting. How far are we willing to go to follow Christ knowing that He is the truth? Please pray for the people of Mexico who are trying to earn the love of Mary instead of accepting the love of Christ that was already offered to them."

Please be in prayer for this young lady as she serves here in Toluca Mexico with our family and ministry!



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